Sunday, January 9, 2011

Today is the 9th day of January 2011 and it is still all about fresh starts, a time to reflect and take action; bringing positive changes and opportunities in both my personal and professional lives.

As I mentioned earlier, may my year 2011 filled with magic and dreams and good madness. (It has to be.) I hope I read some fine books. (and not fell asleep after few pages. Gosh, it took me longer time to finish a book when the number of my age getting bigger.) and kiss someone who thinks I am wonderful (Yes, I hope I meet someone who love my silly, my sad, my laugh, my blurriness, someone who love me just the way I am.) and don’t forget to make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as I could (I will go for drawing and do some craft as I am not good in writing & singing and definitely will live the best I could.)

And I hope, somewhere in the next year, I surprise myself. (I will as I still have 12 months, 51 weeks, 355 days, 8520 hours, 512640 mins to make it happen.)


Look what I did to my table lamp. I turn it into my accessories holder.


-Anna- said...

Sime Darby pen...hehe..

Zhen said...

Yup and thanks for SHARING. LOL.