Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Found this on tumblr. "I will do one thing today ", in fact I did so many things today. From the moment I got out from my bed, clean myself, took my breakfast, kiss & fed Twinkle, drove to work, done as much works as I could, back at home, took bath, cook my dinner and now sitting in front of my laptop.....it's just keep going on & on and everyday repeating the same thing. Bored.

So I'm gonna change it to "I will do at least one special thing today" or " I will do at least one good thing today".

And, I have decided to attend Julie's wedding in Singapore on 12 March 2010. If I were the old me, it will probably takes me ages to make the decision coz I used to be a worrier. I will probably worried about the timing, my leave, my works, budgets...but it only tooks me less than a minute today. So, I did one special thing as well as a good thing today. Bravo zen!!! lol

Congratulation Julie!! I'm really happy for you dear.

I'm gonna do at least one special thing tomorrow.

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